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Dahongyu Formation

Dahongyu Fm


Age Interval: 
Changchengian (Statherian) Ch (16)

Hebei, Liaoning

Type Locality and Naming

Jixian County, Tianjin. The Dahongyu Fm was named by Gao Zhenxi, Xiong Yongxian and Gao Ping in 1934. The type section is in Dahongyu Gully in Xiaying Town, Jixian County, Tianjin Municipality.

[Figure: The section of the Dahongyu Fm in Jixian section in Jixian County, Tianjin Municipality]

Synonym: (大红峪组)

Lithology and Thickness

The formation is characterized by the development of clastic rocks – quartzose sandstone, feldspar quartz sandstone and dolomite. The middle part is K-rich trachyte and volcaniclastics. Lower member is grey white quartzose sandstone and feldspar quartz sandstone, sandwiched with emerald-green K-rich shale. The quartzose sandstone bears cross-bedding and ripple marks. The upper part is K-rich trachyte and trachy-basaltic lava and volcaniclastics. Upper member is chert-bearing dolomite, which yields stromatolites. The total thickness is recorded to 408 m.

Lithology Pattern: 
Sandy limestone

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

The base, marked by purple-red shale with sandstone, conformably contact with underlying Tuanshanzi Fm; but a disconformable contact is also seen locally. It even overlapped directly onto the Changzhougou Fm or Archean in the area east of Luanxian County, Eastern Hebei and Jinxi, Xingcheng, Beizhen of Western Liaoning Province.

[Figure: a-The boundary between the Dahongyu Fm and the underlying Tuanshanzi Fm; b,c,d-Volcanic rocks]

Upper contact

The top limit of the member is set at erosional top surface of conophyton-bearing dolomite. Conformable with Tuanshanzi Fm.

Regional extent

NE Hebei-western Liaoning. The Dahonyu Fm is eastern Hebei and western Liaoning provinces, and is characterized by major changes both in thickness and lithological character. In Yanshan mountain area such as in Xinglong-Pinggu-Pingquan, the sandy conglomerate and chert increases (349-220 m thick) and in the area of Jixian-Zunhua-Luanxian Counties the coarse fragment content is increased (408-232 m thick), while in Badaling area it is characterized by interbedding of carbonate and clastic rocks without volcanic rock (81 m thick), but the volcanic rock is developed vastly in Pinggu County (375 m thick): It is dominated by quartz sandstone and feldspar-quartz sandstone in Zhuolu-Xuanhua area (113 m).The Dahongyu Fm showed also changeable character both in lithological character and thickness in western Liaoning Province, i.e. it is up to 996 m thick in Lingyuan, 516 m in Jianping northwest of Lingyuan, 419 m in Chaoyang, 511 m in Jin-xi, 474 m in Yixian, 300 m in Beizhen, i.e. it is greatly thinned in northeast direction. The dolomite bed in upper part of the formation is obviously thickened from west to east, for example it is only 3-5 m in Lingyuan in west, but to east direction it is thickened greatly in Jinxi, Xingcheng and Beizhen, where the formation is even completely composed of dolomite. But it is completely changed to clastic rock in Huludao area, Jinxi.




The stromatolites are: Xiaohongyuella petalina, Kussiella f.,Conophyton dahongyuesis; microplants: Trachysphaeridium cultum, Asperatopsophaera umishanensis etc.


U-Pb dating on single-zircon was first achieved from trachyte in the Jixian section and yielded 1625±6 Ma (Lu Songnian et al., 1991). Later, SHRIMP U-Pb dates on zircons from volcanic rock (K-rich trachyte) of the Dahongyu Fm in the holotype section yielded a similar 1625.9±8.9 Ma (Gao Linzhi et al., 2008). Schematic stratigraphic section shows it as upper-middle Changchengian (upper-middle Statherian).

Age Span: 

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Depositional setting

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Additional Information


Extracts from The Mesoproterozoic Erathem (chapter in Stratigraphic Lexicon of China, draft of 2022) by Gao Linzhi, Ding Xiaozhong, Zhang Chuanheng, Zhang Heng.